
Showing posts from January, 2016

A bit of everything...

Wow. So it's been a hectic few months! Recap: Traveling to Grand Rapids area for Thanksgiving to see Adam's uncle from Australia and a big portion of his mom's family. Our oldest turning SIX! Visiting my brother's family in Cheboygan. Christmas. My in-laws visiting for 2-1/2 weeks. My Sister-in-law's wedding. Teaching a class at a conference. Last vacation for while. Adam listed all these things off because he was thinking "Whew, now we can breathe" then quickly realizing there'll be a baby here next month! It never ends, lol. So the Great Wolf Lodge: so many things, so little time, space or energy to write about it all. Our room was nice, the kids didn't have any major meltdowns (yay for us!), they had fun, Avi still napped and they slept great both nights. We made it through crazy snow on the way up there and back home through back roads that looked like this for 64 miles: THANK GOD FOR SNOW TIRES! Anyone who knows me k...