
Showing posts from January, 2017

Oh, bullying

So lately, Bri has been complaining about a 2nd grader who's been picking on her on the bus. It's on and off and sometimes the girl is nice and sometimes she's mean. Other times she's mean only when a certain other friend rides the bus. Before winter break, this girl had broken a prize of Bri's (something cheap like the magnetic hair with the face games). I finally spoke to the bus driver and asked her to please move her when she got back from break. Well, of course, 2+ weeks is a long time and she didn't move her. On Friday, she told me that this little girl threatened to come to our house, beat down the door and kick her face in. Um, excuse me? So now, I have to talk to the bus driver again and someone at transportation. Listen, I am not a helicopter mom. Kids will get picked on wherever so I am not panicking and starting to take her to school. It's one thing to say mean things but when you threaten violence, no, you need to get spoken to about it. Bri t...