I'm Alive!

Well, hello there!

Happy New Year (22 days later...)

It's almost 10:30 pm here and I should be sleeping but I was just tossing and turning and thinking about how much I've missed blogging and came up with all these things to talk to you about so prepare for a long-ish post. And run-on sentences and improper grammar and sentences that start with and and lots of annnnnnnnnndddddddddddsssssssssss. Ok I'm done.

I survived the holidays! Go me! My sister-in-law and her fiance came to visit from Kansas City and my in-laws from Alaska. The holidays were wonderful, stressful, great and chaotic. That's what holidays are for. AmIRight?! Christmas day, I made a casserole in the morning and Adam made his famous cheesy potatoes. I wish I had taken pictures but here's the link to the casserole.
Christmas Morning Casserole

We had a great Thanks-mas with turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, stuffing and enjoyed each other's company. The girls were very spoiled (you're not surprised right?). We mostly exchanged socks and clothes. Adam and I got a snow blower for Christmas. He's only used it 2x since we got it.

All of us on Christmas Day
Not gonna lie, it was hard for all of us to live together for 20 days. My mother-in-law and I got through it by drinking lots of wine. We love each other, see?
Adam and his mom are the same person :)
One of the perks of live-in grandparents is their babysitting abilities! Adam and I had a great weekend getaway in Frankenmuth. We drank lots of beer (in moderation if that makes sense), we ate lots of good food, went to the movies, did some shopping, we got coffee together and ended it at a hockey game where the home team won! So nice to get some alone time with him! I am so happy he's my "person" and so blessed!! So thanks, grandparents!

TDubs in Frankenmuth 

Went to Bronner's and got an ornament!

Movies! Mockingjay Part 1

See the theme here?

At the hockey game
Now that everyone is gone, it's been hard to adjust back to normal. Bri started at a new preschool for a variety of reasons, one of which, is that it's here in town. It's only 3 days a week which has been the biggest adjustment. It's very hard for a 5 year old to be quiet for 2 hours so her sister can nap. The adjustments have been made easier by filling the other days up with something to do. Tuesdays we go to MOPS, Thursdays to story time at the library. It helps all of us to get out of the house and somewhere to be. ROUTINE IS MY LIFFFFEEEEE! Schedules, schedules, schedules! It's the cross that I must bear.

It's been a mild winter but we finally got to take Bri sledding a couple weeks ago. She loved it. Avi hated every minute she was out there which is kind of a bummer since it takes so long to get her ready and dressed just for her to hate it. Ah, maybe next year!

Me and Bri
Last weekend, we went to visit my brother for my neice's birthday. We had a good visit. The kids love each other so that makes it all worth it. We took them to a bounce house which everyone but Avi loved (sense the theme here? :P). I couldn't get any pictures there because they were all moving around so fast!

Avi, me, Bri, Bryson, my brother Pedro and Olivia

Olivia and Avi are only 3 months apart. Bryson and Bri love to play together too.
I think that's everything. I hope to be getting back to regular blogging soon. Thanks for reading!


  1. Good blog babe. I love how it seems like I'm wearing the same shirt in every picture. Lol


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