Yep. Another Girl.

Hey everyone!

Well, it's been forever since I've blogged. I had thought about doing it today anyway and then my former pastor's daughter posted one and it inspired me to go ahead with posting. I haven't had much to say, really. Lots of things have happened since I last blogged but sometimes, it's just hard to put into words.

So by now you know we are having another Girl. Yep, that makes 3. You also know that I was super sad about it for a whole afternoon (Bri took it pretty hard too). And that is ok. Don't let anyone tell you that it's not. I have a right to mourn the things that come with having no sons. It's not just for me but mostly for my husband. Adam's aunt Colleen was a great sounding board as she also has 3 girls and assured me my feelings were validated and acceptable.

Now let me tell you a bit about my husband. He is one of THE best human beings I have ever met on this entire Earth. If anyone has the LOVE and PATIENCE for 3 girls, it is HIM. What makes me sad is, of course, no passing down of last names, no "boy" things like trucks, working on cars, hockey, rough housing, wrestling, etc. etc. (Colleen assured me that he won't miss out on these things just because he has girls, so that helped). I think what bothers me MOST is other men looking down on him or feeling sorry for him because he has all girls. This has happened when we found out about #2 and #3. Let me tell you something, my husband is NOT less of a man because we don't have a SON. He's just not. And your husband is not superior because he did. Someone once told him, "It takes a real man to blow the balls off a boy" and he's done that, 3 times! Hahaha. We've had 2 miscarriages and maybe those were our boys. Who knows. My sadness came for him, mostly. The other part of it is, I'd like someone who loved me more, lol. I'm chopped liver compared to Daddy. Daddy is everything so it would've been nice to have someone love me they way they love their dad. Don't get me wrong, I love them and know they love me, it's just different with the opposite sex I think.

It's been 3 weeks since we found out we were having another girl. A common misconception is "Well, at least you have all the stuff for a girl!". Um, no, we don't. We thought we were done after Avi and got rid of everything, really. When we decided we might try for another (after the Oct/Nov MC), Avi was 2 so we saved 18 mo stuff and up. So, we are having to start over again which is fine. We can handle it.

So this is how it went down the day we found out: We got the ultrasound and had them tell us to turn away during the sex determination. We had them fill out a card and include an ultrasound showing whether it was indeed a boy or girl that we would later open with Bri. I went to pick up Avi from the family friend watching her, Adam picked Bri up early from school. Avi ended up napping so we didn't even open it until after the time Bri would've been home normally. Oops and oh well. We took a video, Adam held the card and when he showed it to me. Bri and I cried for a while together. We were going to wait until the next day to reveal but decided it was fine to share that day. Adam painted the 3rd pumpkin pink and the rest is social media history.

The Card.

The Picture Inside. We've seen these enough to know: No possibility of balls. anywhere.

Baby # 3 will be named: Arilynn Sierra Cruff. I don't care if you hate it so don't tell me. Her nickname will be Ari. So we will have Bri (Bree), Avi (A-vee) & Ari (Ar-ee). Yep, superrrr lazy.

I liked the name Arya but knew it would be a little too weird for Adam to go along with. In the spring, I held a chubalicious baby who was a girl and that's when I accepted the fact that if we had another girl, it would be totally ok because Bri and Avi have such different and funny personalities. (This is why I was surprised at my reaction when I found out) This baby girl's mom's name has Lynn in it so we went with Arilynn.

Sierra does not come so much from Sierra Vista (my hometown) but more of the fact that it means mountain range and everyone knows I love my AZ mountains. This will be the only kid not born in AZ, so I had to represent somehow.

And that is how we came up with Arilynn Sierra. I liked Arilynn Harper and Adam liked Arilynn Mia (barf) so we compromised.

So on that note:

Ari, I would've loved for you to be Arden Adam but I wouldn't trade you for the world. I can't wait to meet you and see your beautiful little face in February.




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