6 months...
I've been a mom of 3 kids for SIX months already. Geez! Time is flying. The first week of August was World Breastfeeding Week and I shared 7 pictures of me breastfeeding to spread awareness. Now, I'm not sure how much good it did but I hope it did some. I've been thinking about my first real goal in breastfeeding was to make it 6 months and through blood, sweat and lots of ugly tears, we made it. There's my little badge ;-). Now I know that posting about it probably hurt some feelings or ruffled some feathers because I think people assume that if you're pro-breastfeeding you must not like moms who formula feed and I will tell you that is so far from the truth for me. I will break it down for you. Bri: I had a ton of trouble and got the hang of it by going to a lactation consultant. You know what? I hated it. I remember asking my friend Keri when I could quit (she was 3 months old I think). She said she did it for a year and didn't know how to help me. I...