
Showing posts from October, 2016

Dear Future Me

Dear Future Me, This week you got a tubal ligation. While you have no regrets and peace about it at the time of this writing, I wanted to write to you in case in 2.5~ years or so (that's when the craziness usually hit) you get mad at me for the permanent decision. Let me tell you, it was not something you chose lightly. From about 20 weeks into the pregnancy with Ari, you thought "Why not 1 more?". You had an appointment to talk about birth control options where you were going to sign the tubal ligation papers. While you were adamant that you were done, 2 days beforehand, you held a baby. (You also held a baby that talked you into a 3rd) Note to present self: STOP HOLDING BABIES. I digress. You decided then and there, you could do one more. Even in (what I saw someone else refer to) the 100 days of darkness (after Ari's birth), you still tossed the idea back and forth. Never mind that she's a terrible sleeper or that the house you live in could not hold anothe...