Girl Mom
Yesterday, in small group, we made a list of labels we identify ourselves with. Mom, wife, friend, etc. Me being the honest and oversharing person that I am, I put even unpleasant things I've been associated with: Mean, Stubborn, etc. It's taken me a long time to accept myself and my identity. It's definitely still a struggle. No, I don't have it all together. The point of the lesson was that those labels are not as important as our identity in Christ. It really spoke to me because I am not perfect and I don't claim to be but no matter what anyone calls me, I know that the only name that matters is that I'm His. Anyway, there's a label that I've come to terms with: Girl Mom. If you read my post when I found out we were having a 3rd girl, I honestly struggled with it. One year ago today, I permanently sealed that label by getting a tubal ligation. I can tell you that with all of my heart, We are still at PEACE. I LOVE being a Girl Mom. These were the...