Girl Mom

Yesterday, in small group, we made a list of labels we identify ourselves with. Mom, wife, friend, etc. Me being the honest and oversharing person that I am, I put even unpleasant things I've been associated with: Mean, Stubborn, etc. It's taken me a long time to accept myself and my identity. It's definitely still a struggle. No, I don't have it all together. The point of the lesson was that those labels are not as important as our identity in Christ. It really spoke to me because I am not perfect and I don't claim to be but no matter what anyone calls me, I know that the only name that matters is that I'm His.

Anyway, there's a label that I've come to terms with: Girl Mom. If you read my post when I found out we were having a 3rd girl, I honestly struggled with it. One year ago today, I permanently sealed that label by getting a tubal ligation. I can tell you that with all of my heart, We are still at PEACE. I LOVE being a Girl Mom. These were the girls that He chose for me. That He called to be mine and as different as they all are, it is really something special. It is something I no longer mourn or take for granted. 

They are all girls.

They are all mine.

My husband is not sad/disappointed/upset.
We are not going to try for a boy.
You shouldn't feel sorry for us.

I love my Cricut and all the fun things I can make with it.

Let's be Real. They make me crazy too ;)


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