Mental Health Day.

Yesterday was a real Monday. I was crabby from work, irritable about our dishwasher not working, overwhelmed about community group and childcare, stressed about house hunting and I snapped. I apologized to my people for my attitude and thus began my 24 hours of mental health revival. I'm sharing in hopes of easing some mom guilt and/or giving ideas to you about ways to get ya mind right. Keep in mind, these work for me most of the time or sometimes not at all but may give you an idea you hadn't thought of.

I started off by taking a long, hot shower. As hot as I could stand it and still wished it was hotter. I don't know why but this is what I think of.
I helped Adam with bedtime and even though I wanted to follow suit, it was 9/9 so how could we not watch our current favorite show Brooklyn 99. I limited myself to 2 episodes and went to bed early.

When I woke up, I had the pleasure of having breakfast with my friend, Misty who is moving to Kansas City. I was sad we didn't get to pull tires because my foot is still hurting on and off. It was still a nice morning.

I came home, put the girls on the bus and took the baby to an in-home daycare. I knew her normal daycare didn't do drop-ins so I had to resort to plan B and that's Ms. Deb's house. I had grand plans of coming back and doing some deep cleaning and laundry that always gets washed but never gets put away. I put in a load before I left and did another when I got home.

Then, even though I felt a little bad about it,  I went back to bed for 3-1/2 hours until Adam called me at 12:30 pm to ask me a question and woke me up. It's ok, I needed to get up anyway, lol.

I finally started hand-washing the dishes that were in the sink and the dishwasher. Oh, the horror! First World Problems, amirite? While I did that, I listened to my Bible app.

I did some things I'd been pushing off so the sense of accomplishment helped me to feel better. Then when I picked up the girls, my head & mood were in a much better place than the night before. I decided to help Adam out by getting the girls fed and bathed before I took off for my mental health evening plans of the craft store, Chinese food & yoga. 

As I was thinking in yoga, I wanted to share how important today was for me and how so many more people are probably in need of a MHD. My boss and I were talking about being an extrovert and introvert. While I feel like a lot of people identify themselves as an ambivert, I don't like to because it feels like a cop out but it is very true of me. I love people & can be around them all day long, chat with strangers, talk about my life/problems but I also need alone time. It was such a nice day of taking care of me and bringing my best self back to my husband and daughters.

I reached out to a couple friends I haven't heard from in a while. I also came here to write. Something about writing/blogging/vlogging helps to center me. Friends, you matter. Our life is crazy. It always will be. I've made peace with that. I will tell you, though, that you need to find moments of silence and stillness for yourself. Even if for only a few hours or just a day if you can manage it. Your body, soul & mind will thank you for it.

Thank you for reading!


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