Ari's Birth Story

I wasn’t quite sure where to begin my birth story so I’ll start with my 38 week checkup. I was 3-4 cm and 75-80% effaced so I had my membranes swept. It seemed like if anything was going to happen it would in 48 hours or so. The next day I was having contractions and they were bearable but I decided to go in and see if there was any progress. There was a bit but no consistent labor. It was an emotional couple of days thinking she was going to come, arranging for our other 2 girls to go somewhere and then to have it stop altogether. So at my 39 week checkup, I had another sweep where I was 4-5 cm and 80-85% effaced. Still nothing!! 3 days later I’m pretty much a wreck and call the office to see when I can get another sweep because I could not go past 40 weeks (I know, I know, it’s safe until 42 but emotionally and physically, I was just done!). Jenny said to give it a couple of days and if nothing had happened, we could do another sweep. 

At this point, I had been getting harder contractions but none that were time-able. So I ended up going in for my now 3rd sweep at 11am. I was a solid 5 cm and 90% effaced. Why was I not in labor?! Although, I’m glad that I had half my dilation over with, I was getting discouraged I would ever go into labor on my own. After having pitocin and epidurals for my first 2, I really wanted a spontaneous labor and a natural birth. The harder & time-able contractions started about 5 pm later that day. I called Jenny about 6:30 pm and decided we should probably go in just because I was already so far along. I checked into the hospital about 7:15 pm and my friend, Crystal, who was also my doula, got there shortly after. She started the tub for me while I got my only check and was 6 cm dilated. I got in the tub filled with oils and worked through my contractions with music, Crystal instructing me on relaxation methods (namely making horse noises) and holding my husband’s hand when they got bad. I had sent Jenny away because it felt like I had an audience but I was starting to feel like I needed one more person to be in my corner to remind me of my goals so I called her back in when they were getting harder and stronger. I think I made a joke about wanting to drown in the tub so the pain would stop, lol. I had back labor with both girls so we were thinking that this baby wasn’t quite in the best position. 

Jenny suggested a trick called the jiggle. I got on my left side while Jenny and my nurse Angela (who was just amazing) put a blanket under me and rocked me back and forth. Let me tell you, that was probably the most painful part about all of the labor! They were going to do it for 5 minutes and Jenny said they got to 2.5 before I was screaming I needed to push! I remember only one time Jenny getting stern with me because I was not listening and letting the pain control my body. (Although, Crystal says it was actually twice 1. To stop pushing so Jenny could unwrap the cord and 2. That I needed another push to get her shoulders out.) The whole time I was laboring I thought I wouldn’t know when it was time to push because when you have an epidural, the doctor pretty much tells you. But wow, when it came time and I felt like I had to push, I made sure they knew!  They stopped doing the jiggle and had me open my legs so I could be checked, but the bag of waters was already on it’s way out.  At this point it’s barely been 2 hours since I checked in.  Nurses are quietly but very, very quickly arranging the tools and equipment for my birth.  Jenny asked if I would like my water broken, and I told her I would like to attempt to deliver en caul.  She told me to wait for my next contraction to push, it came within seconds and I pushed hard.  Sploosh!  My bag of waters broke and sprayed fluid like an exploding water ballon in all directions, luckily for Jenny, right around her though.  My contraction was strong and honestly, I don’t remember much about the next 10-15 seconds.  The pain was immense and filled my body, but it knew exactly what it was doing.  I squeezed my husbands arms as tight as I could, let out some noise that could only be described as primal and pushed a few more times.  The baby’s head crowned, the cord was around her neck three times, but was loose and was able to be pulled around (yes, very long cord).  Then both shoulders, a body, and next thing I knew the most beautiful, purple colored, vernix covered baby was on my chest and she was beautiful.  I had done it. After a few moments they put her on the scale, 8 lbs 1 oz. I doubted myself at times and was unsure if I could go through with it. I survived and lived to tell the tale! I could say I delivered a baby naturally, with no drugs.  It wasn't easy or pretty but so worth it. I wouldn't change a thing! I had amazing help from my midwife, Jenny and Crystal as my doula, which I really believe helped to pull me through. I would recommend having both a midwife and doula all over again. 

Sweet relief!

Thanks to Crystal for capturing this moment

Lots of cheese!


  1. Congrats, I love every detail of this birth story! Ha. I have NEVER heard of the blanket-rocking thing. And yes, no epidural means that undeniable, sudden urge to push! With Royce, I thought I had to use the bathroom, and the nurse said "I think I should check you again first".. Good thing she did, or else he would have been born in the toilet! I love the photos to. Everything! Thanks for sharing.

  2. That is so great, thanks heaps for posting. Uncle Gregg

  3. Amazing! You did it, Aidalys!! You endured some crazy pain and have a precious baby Arilynn!


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