All my life I have been able to eat what I want and still be skinny. Until I had my 2nd kid I think. It wasn't until recently that I realized I've always been "skinny fat". Where the outside looks thin but is not strong. When I was working out at the Y, I tried a fitness class and almost left in tears from how hard it was. I remember there was an older lady who looked at me and said "You're skinny so you should be able to do this." Goodness, that stung.
So after having my 3rd baby, I wanted to give myself some time. I wanted my milk supply to work out its kinks so I took it slow after this one. After my 2nd, I started running at 5 weeks postpartum. I don't even think I made it a year. I worked up to my 5k and quit. I've always been on and off with exercising so I'm hoping this time it sticks.
So I shared a pretty big change pic the other day in a tighter fitting shirt. The angles were a little off but you could still see the difference.
Side View |
I didn't share the front for fear of annoying people |
So I've been working out since the end of June and I still was not happy with my belly progress. Everything else was toning nicely so it was a little disheartening. I've been working out with Fitness Blender since the end of October. They offer a 4 week abs, lower back & obliques program so together with my friend Crystal, we started January 28. I have 2 more workouts to go but was wearing the same clothes so I decided to snap the "after" pics.
Warning: Sports Bra pics to follow.
I don't usually share sports bra pictures because:
- It makes people uncomfortable.
- I'm self conscious.
- I worry that people think I'm just doing it for the compliments or attention.
A little change here |
Holy side view! |
I'm sure some people think pictures are ridiculous but I'm telling you that they're much better than the stupid scale. There is a difference of 4 or so lbs here but I'm trying not to care about weight because I FEEL GOOD! I FEEL STRONG! For the first time in my life, I have calf muscles and other muscles and it's exciting.
Not sure what the heck happened between the 1st & 28th 😯 |
So why am I sharing this with you all? Because I truly believe everyone should move and exercise. YOU are worth it! YOU ARE WORTH the 30 min-1 hr it takes to work out! You don't have to be skinny. Being strong and healthy is what matters. This progress has been slooooowww for me but it doesn't stop me. I still have so many goals I want to accomplish this year. Here's my current list: Don't laugh at my piddly weights lol
I know it's super hard in this stage of our lives with littles to make time for ourselves but you matter. You deserve something for yourself. So when Ari takes a morning nap, I knock out my workout. I put Avi on the couch with the iPad (NO SHAME IN MY GAME) for the 30 or so min it takes. I can then quick hop in the shower and start my day. I know that's easy to say as a SAHM but I know plenty of other people who make the time. The craziness in your life will likely never slow down so I stopped using it as an excuse.
I mess up. Um, hello? Arby's anyone? I don't have a super strict diet (I did give up beer for February and lasted 3 weeks, not bad!). It's possible. Am I happy with where I'm at? No. Are we ever though? I'm trying to work on loving what I have accomplished instead of hating all the things I still want to change. (Hello baby belly 😒😒😒). I'm a work in progress!!
Thanks for reading!
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