Why Minecraft?

If my kid's obsession with Minecraft and my constant postings about it annoy you, believe me, you aren't the only one. It annoys me too. I've been thinking about this for a while now. Last year, I was so anti-Minecraft. I don't like getting into "what everyone else is into" and I know that's what a lot of kids are into so I didn't want Bri to fall into the trap. I didn't know much about it. I think Bri was introduced to it from my MIL's iPad because she has it for her students up in Alaska. All I knew was that's all she wanted to do when she had access to it. "Hi Grandma! Can I play on your iPad?" wasn't really a very nice greeting when she got off the plane from Alaska but Grandma took it in stride.

This summer the passion grew in her and Avi. It was installed on our iPad to keep the girls from fighting over Grandma's. Once Grandma left and it's all they wanted to do, it was uninstalled. They weren't happy but it was becoming too much (so I do control how much she plays). All the while, I think she owns every shirt they have available at Target thanks to the grandparents.

We've been really trying to get her into reading with no luck. For Christmas, we got her 2 of the Diary of a Minecraft Zombie books. She devoured them! We ended up ordering the box set from Scholastic and donated the first 2 we got for Christmas to the library. But now...that's all she wants to read. She's on book 7 and she got them a couple weeks ago. While I love her love of reading, it's all she wants to read and that was starting to bother me a little bit. We got a couple different things at the library and at B & N to hopefully get something else in there.

Some kids have told her that she's a boy or teased her because she likes Minecraft and she doesn't even care. Here she gets embarrassed when I say the Peppa Pig (Avi's current obsession) opening but isn't embarrassed to wear her Minecraft stuff. I will say there are girl things although much more for boys. We got her the Minecraft Story Mode for the Playstation which is where we came to know more about it. While Minecraft might be geared more towards boys, it is also for girls! I'm so proud of her for going after what she likes.

She can build some awesome stuff and it's really gotten her interested in coding. How cool is that? I'm not the biggest girly girl either so I'm sure I would be just as exasperated with Barbies as I get with Minecraft. The difference is that my girl is breaking the "mold" and that's ok with me. Avi might really be into makeup and nails and I'll support her with her interests too.

I am raising the next generation of women. I will tell them they can be anything they want to be! She wants to be a teacher engineer scientist artist. All in one. You know what? I'm gonna encourage the crap out of her so she has the confidence and strength I don't have. Goodness knows I never really had anything I was really interested in or excelled at so I'm going to try and kick butt at this Mom thing. I will be her cheerleader for whichever field she decides to go into. Yesterday, she told me she wanted to build a car, how she would make the engine go & how she would decorate it. It was pretty neat!

I love watching her transform into her own little person with opinions and facts to back them up. So when she told me she wanted MC Valentine's, Pinterest became my friend and Mom got it handled!

Cred: OverTheBigMoon.com for the Awesome Pink Creeper Valentines

I made this design on the app Dottable, printed it on card stock and mod podged it onto a box. I'd be happy to pass along the designs if you're interested.

Girls rule. 

Thanks for reading.


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