
Mental Health Day.

Yesterday was a real Monday. I was crabby from work, irritable about our dishwasher not working, overwhelmed about community group and childcare, stressed about house hunting and I snapped. I apologized to my people for my attitude and thus began my 24 hours of mental health revival. I'm sharing in hopes of easing some mom guilt and/or giving ideas to you about ways to get ya mind right. Keep in mind, these work for me most of the time or sometimes not at all but may give you an idea you hadn't thought of. I started off by taking a long, hot shower . As hot as I could stand it and still wished it was hotter. I don't know why but this is what I think of. I helped Adam with bedtime and even though I wanted to follow suit, it was 9/9 so how could we not watch our current favorite show Brooklyn 99. I limited myself to 2 episodes and went to bed early . When I woke up, I had the pleasure of having breakfast with my friend , Misty who is moving to Kansas City. I was sad w...

When you just need a break...

2 weeks ago I deactivated my Facebook. Today I reactivated it again because it's my oldest 9th birthday and I just couldn't not post anything to have on my memories. I have a picture of her there every year and I wasn't going to let it get away. Some people knew, some didn't. Some reached out, some didn't. That's ok. 2 weeks ago, we had our first snow and I was LEGIT angry about it. I was angry that people were happy about it too. It is NOVEMBER it's too early for snow and it's too early for this cold and it's only going to get WORSE from here. Seeing other people happy was making me more miserable. I had shared that life was in a difficult season a couple days prior but that's what sent me over the edge. Ridiculous? Yeah, maybe but I knew something was up. So I don't have the self-control to just delete it and not check the app. Judge me all you want but it's all or nothing. I'm a pretty regular poster and probably really annoyin...


Holy October. It's been a wild month. I have to say it's magic we survived it at all. Adam has had to work extra Saturdays and a few days during the week between the last couple months to make October work. The first weekend of the month was the only Saturday he worked because we literally had something going on the last 3 weekends. The second weekend we were supposed to be in Gaylord to do the Gaylord Half Marathon (just me) and we were going to leave the kids home with my mom. Well, the race was postponed until the spring so we decided to just go ahead and NOT lose the money we had already paid for a camping site. We decided to go camping, visit my brother and drop my mom off at his house for a couple days. Ya'll know how I feel about camping. I want to love it, I really do but I JUST DON'T. I hope to when Ari gets older, can listen better and actually sleeps decently in the camper. Until then, I do it for the kids and if I'm camping, theres a 99% chance I'm...

The Detroit Marathon Recap

Marathon Weekend: We had been much more prepared this week so Adam came home Friday at lunch, got his last minute things done and I picked the girls up from school. We ate then headed down to Proud Lake State Park. We got there about 4 pm and the water was turned off. Note to self: Quit fall camping! Anyway, Adam got the camper ready, got water for the camper from a faucet outside that worked (not like the one in Gaylord that he had to pump). I really wanted to get down to the expo Friday to get an "Underwater Mile" shirt as I heard they sell out fast. So we left my poor mom with the kids and headed down to Detroit. We checked out the expo, I got my bib and packet, got the shirt and headed back to the campsite. I felt a little rushed because since we ate late, we didn't have dinner before we left. We ended up getting back at 8 pm. Ugh. That hot dog did not hit the spot. The week of my marathon, I was fighting a wicked cold/sinus infection. I got an antibiotic Thursday b...

Jack of all trades, master of none.

Hey guys! It's been a minute since I last blogged! How are ya? Me, same ol' crazy! If you follow me on Facebook, you probably know by now that I've picked up sewing. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time and just never took the time to do it. If you've known me for a while, you also know that I am an ADD hobbyist. I get into something SO.HARD. and then I move on to the next thing. Adam teases me about it and I honestly can't blame the guy. He's been supporting my hobbies for the past 11-1/2 years now so I'm sure he's pretty over it. In case you don't know me so well, I have gotten into: Blogging-I had an older blog that I wrote in 4 times and if you look at my history with this one, you'll see it's not very regular. I do love to write though. Painting-Tracing paper onto canvas and basically coloring it. Not good at that. Clay creations/earrings- liked it but time consuming and expensive. Hard to do with small children...

Gazelle Girl Half Marathon Race Recap

As I'm sure you've seen by my gazillion posts on FB & IG, I completed my first official Half Marathon today!! I know a lot of people who ran marathons today and I'm not sure if I'm quite ready for that feat!! I'll be honest, I don't feel like this was my best race! I just could not get off the struggle bus! My hips and groin on both sides felt tight (should've ran a warmup, duh). Everything I had taped (left ankle and right knee) held up well. My plan was to start with the 10:30 pacers and catch up to the 10:00 pacers, which unfortunately, I never did. Next time, I think I'd start a little behind the 10s. I passed the 10:30s about mile 1.5. Nothing too exciting to report except that it was a chilly start and I had to undo my backpack to take off the long sleeve I started with at mile 2 but I had pre-applied body glide in case. I was expecting to see my family at mile 4 and the park where they were supposed to be started about mile 2.5 and by the ti...

I'm turning into such a cliche, guys.

The other day this picture popped up on my FB from 4 years ago. This was about 6 months before we moved to MI. It just seems crazy that it's been 4 years since this picture. These kids don't look anything like this anymore 😢. It reminded me about all those times people told me "Time flies, cherish the kids while you can" while I rolled my eyes and picked up my tantruming toddler off the ground. It gave me all the feels because it's so true. My oldest is 8. She doesn't need me to brush her hair, put her shoes on, pick out her clothes, etc. And while having a child with that kind of independence is awesome, it's also a little sad. She needs me just a little less. Now, I know if you're in the thick of it you're thinking "I can't freakin' wait!" just like I did. It's hard to enjoy and cherish the moments when they drag like turtles in peanut butter. Take solace that these needy years WILL end. Even Avi needs me less. I fe...