Best vs. Real

A while back, I was reading an article ( I wish I had the link to attach) that was about how social media is used to show people the best sides of you. The author had a picture of her and her daughter that looked so adorable but noted there had been a fit beforehand. She had a cute picture of her and her husband before a date night but noted they had just gotten into an argument before they took it.

It really got me thinking about how we can best portray our REAL selves on social media, or more specifically Facebook. It's so true that you see 95% of only the good things that happen in people's lives, we don't know the other 5%. Maybe if we did, we could help the happy percentage increase. At the same time, when anyone posts REAL statuses about being sad or mad then they're labeled a Debbie downer (believe me, I've been every kind of annoying friend you could have). It's true, though. Why do we only want to hear the good and not the bad or REAL? I guess when too many people are sharing truths instead of happy, go lucky things, then all you're seeing is negativity. Of course we should always put out positivity when we can but we are all human. We all have emotions past happy! I would just challenge you to evaluate how much of which side you're putting out.

For example, I shared the Avi screaming at McDonald's incident. It wasn't pretty and it sure wasn't happy but I knew someone would relate. I knew someone would be like "Glad I'm not the only one!" I hate reading my On This Day posts on FB because I was such an angry and rude little punk. I cringe at some of the statuses I would put out for my friends and family to read. Here's my apology!! Sorry! I'm embarrassed for me for you.

So I'll start sharing some real with you:
I'm Aidalys. I deal with depression and anxiety. Sometimes at the same time. If you've never experienced it then I'm sure you think it's all in my head and I choose to be depressed. That's just so far from the truth and for a whole 'nother blog. I'm a yeller, I don't want to be but I am. I over think things. I get my feelings hurt easily. Even though by normal standards I'm considered "skinny", I'm not. I have cellulite and stretch marks just like everyone else. Your fat just looks different than mine. I'm critical of everything even when I know I shouldn't be and I don't know why. Daddy issues, maybe? Yeah, I have those too.

All these things and more, I know no longer define me. Not to get all Jesusy on you but bear with me. I know that I am more than all of those because of Jesus's love for me. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. God did not make a mistake on me. He sure did give me some things to work on though!! I try not to cuss so much but I'm not perfect, I still struggle with it. I try to think of what Jesus would say or want me to do when I'm so down I don't want to get out of bed. Sometimes, I don't have an answer. Usually, I just pick myself up (usually with help and affirmation from my amazing husband) and do my best.

That's all I'm doing. I'm trying my best while still being the real me. I'm trying to be a good Christian. I'm trying to be a good mother and wife. Sometimes I fall short and the not so best of me side comes out. If you never get mad or have any other emotion besides joy, I don't believe you. It doesn't make you stronger if you don't reveal that part of yourself. We all know it's there! I think God uses us and our personalities in so many different ways. Sometimes you gotta embrace the good and strive to improve the bad.

I guess what I'm saying is that one is not better than the other. They can both live in harmony. I know I'm not done learning and growing as a person. So this is my warning, you might not always see the best side of me. I hope that makes you understand me and can help you in extending grace. Even when I don't deserve it. I know someone else who does :-).

Thanks for sticking with me!! Until next time.


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