Real talk: Motherhood

Hey guys!

Thanks for all the nice feedback about my blog! Even if you just "like" the link I share, it lets me know you're reading it and I appreciate that :D.

I was hoping to title this blog post "Your kids surprise you sometimes!" but unfortunately, that was not the case this evening. Before I start, let me just say, I'm a honest person, always have been. I've been trying to use that more positively than just blurting whatever comes to my mind (just overall being a Negative Nelly. I'm working on it!). I've written happy, go lucky blogs so far and this one will be a little different. Just hear me out!

Real talk!

I'm a little overwhelmed with this SAHM business. I read an article the other day that made a lot of sense to me (Being a stay at home parent is a luxury for your spouse). I won't bore you with all my thoughts about it because that could be a whole 'nother blog post. I will just say that having been both a working mom and a SAHM, I do think it's a luxury for my husband. Don't get me wrong, it's great for me too but!! he's getting a little better of a deal. Laundry, chores, dinner, all things we used to split before, are solely on me. My husband is amazing and will jump in if I need him to, don't get me wrong.

He worked this Saturday and works til 8 tonight, nothing I can't handle except that Bri had swim lessons today. I knew it wasn't going to be fun because the last thing a new walker wants to do is sit in a stroller in a hot, hot, hot, pool area and watch her sister swim and have fun. I warned Bri beforehand that she might not be able to stay for free time (30 min lesson, 15 min free time) or we might not go at all. She said she would rather go and not have free time than to not go at all. It went just as I expected. Avi wanted to walk around (slipped a few times) or crawl. While I did walk her almost all the way around the pool, what she really wanted to do was get in. So, some screaming and crying went down but I survived it. I like to think that the other parents weren't judging me and I was handling it as best I could. I have a little mom guilt about spoiling her fun time because "sissy's being naughty". Bri was bummed out about no free time but she took it like a champ. Sometimes, she really surprises me (see what I did there? :P) with how fast she's growing up and maturing. I got a much better report from her teachers today since instilling some consequences at home. I don't expect her to be perfect but I love her too much to not have expectations of her.

Doesn't she just look so grown up?!
Lesson #5
Sad face
So swim class wasn't the best time ever but we survived. I still love them to pieces and all. Tomorrow is my second MOPS meeting and I can't wait. 2 hours child free with other moms who know the struggle!?!? Yes, please! 

Thanks for reading!


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